Colour Block

Red Smith says to just "open a vein and bleed." When he said this he was referring to writing. I also believe this can be applied to any form of expression, be it photography or music. 

At times writing is the most frustrating thing when the words fail you. It's being a hair away from hitting the bulls eye. It's feeling the rhythm without any rhyme. 

There are ways to break through this barrier. Let me introduce you to the remedy for writer's block. I'll show you the kaleidoscope.

#1 Be Interested


Whether it is listening to a song, tasting a cold lemon quencher on a hot humid day, or observing the ripples in a pool of water, adopt the mindset that these things are worth engaging in. So open your senses to the world around you. Be on guard for the unusual. You never know what facets of life will strike you. 

I hear the string of notes and must catch the end of its tail, holding on for dear life. 

#2 Listen to your inner muse

When you feel overwhelmed by the thinking process stay patient. Do not fight the frustration. Move with the current. Get rid of your own expectations and I promise you will have a breakthrough. 
Creativity is spread out on a grey canvas with the occasional splatters of color. At times it is an annoying cacophony, a scribbling mess with sharp turns and pointy edges that smooth out into the finished product.

#3 Rest in your own authenticity

Sometimes trends and the latest fashions dictate how we must dress and act, how we must look, who we must be, wiping out all individuality. We become part of a homogeneous mixture. How about we add some color to that? 

Eventually you will be released from the ocean's clutches. You will surface to the top and breathe in fresher air, absorbing a more energetic sun. 

Thank you for reading this short post. Have a wonderful day :)


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